Monday, September 15, 2008

Let Da Pidgin Begin!

So today I started to try and insert a few pidgin or Hawaiian words into Kai and Ivy's vocabulary. I hope, as time goes on, this doesn't totally mess them up with their friends. So, today they learned ono and onolicious (taste good and very delicious), moimoi (sleep, sleepy, time to sleep) and okole (butt). 

Kai had a little bit of a hard time reconciling onolicious because I was trying to teach it to her on our way to dinner. I said, "Kai, don't you think Zaxby's is onolicious?" She then responded with, "I don't know! I can't remember but I want to eat Zaxby's!" and she proceeded to cry.

I was able to finally explain what onolicious meant and once she got that I was teaching her Hawaiian (ono is Hawaiian along with moimoi and okole, but the licious bit is an English add-on from, surprise surprise, delicious) she started asking me how to say all sorts of things. Looks like this may be a bit easier to do then I thought.

I also came across this site which has sound bites of words and phrases in Hawaiian Pidgin English: Full On Pidgin. Take a listen to some of them and see if you can figure out what they're saying. o.O

1 comment:

Land of Lovings said...

You already know that I have no freaking clue what they're saying. It is awfully funny to hear it though...

And, thanks for teaching our kids the Hawaiian word for butt. Don't forget that you also taught them the work for stinky (Pilau) so they have enough now to run around saying "Stinky Butt" to each other in Pidgin.

I will appreciate that some day at the homeschool park meetup!